Practicing good sense at home and on the road means you'll have less to worry about and more time to spend with your loved ones. Here are some tips to keep your family and property as safe as possible through the winter and beyond.
Road Safety: Don't use cruise control when the weather is icy or snowy. Prevent skids by gradually accelerating and decelerating. Don't text or multi-task while behind the wheel and leave plenty of space between you and other vehicles.
Break-In Deterrents: Make sure your vehicle and home are secure by locking all doors and windows. Shopping online? Have packages shipped to you at work or ask a stay-at-home neighbor to collect the item(s) until you return home.
Fire Prevention: Reduce the chance of mishap by keeping anything combustible at least 12 inches away from heat sources or open flames. Also extinguish candles and turn off space heaters when no one is around to monitor them.